Vegetarian – Living a Life of No Meat

Making the transition to become a vegetarian is far more than just amending your diet. This is a lifestyle decision that can influence many aspects of your life, and can be more than just changing the type of food you put into your body. When you decide to make that...
3 Top Benefits of Becoming a Vegetarian

3 Top Benefits of Becoming a Vegetarian

Making the decision to become a vegetarian can be a big lifestyle decision to make, and therefore should not be taken lightly. However, the thought of cutting meat from your diet should not be seen as chore or something that should be hard to commit to. If you do have...
Vegetarianism Made Easy

Vegetarianism Made Easy

There are many things in life that can be complex, but being a vegetarian should not be one of them. You can choose to make it easy, or you can choose to make it hard. The path to this new lifestyle should not be overwhelming or daunting. Here we will discuss some...